Man lost an eye after receiving a bullet amid incidents Friday in the Alameda | National


A 30-year-old man suffered an ocular trauma and the loss of his right eye, after receiving a projectile of still unknown origin, amid the disorders registered in the Alameda, yesterday afternoon, Friday.

The information was confirmed by the Interior Minister, Rodrigo Delgado, who condemned the incident and assured that an investigation is underway to determine who or who were responsible.

“This person was on the Alameda axis, behind a police unit that was advancing, he was not in front. At that moment, the person unfortunately falls to the ground and the evaluations would have resulted in ocular trauma, I understand with the loss of the eye “Delgado detailed.

The minister indicated that “we regret this type of event, we deeply reject it. Carabineros is conducting a thorough investigation with the cameras of the sector, of all the evidence, in order to determine and define what happened and who is responsible for launching the projectile.

“I want to be very emphatic: this is unacceptable. No one should have consequences of this kind. It is unacceptable that a projectile of this type arrives. I would be very cautious in the analysis until I have the background of what happened, “said the Interior Minister.

The fact was recorded in a video, broadcast by the PiensaPrensa account on Twitter.

Balance of the day

As a result of the incidents, the day resulted in a balance of 18 detainees, for criminal acts.

“Every Friday we have had less participation of people in violent acts. Yesterday there were just over a hundred people committing illicit acts in the Alameda axis, with 18 detainees, some linked to the attempted looting of an Itaú bank (…) and others for criminal acts, ”Delgado explained.

In the minister’s opinion, the violent activists are being isolated. “People who want to demonstrate are leaving the most violent people alone, people who from the moment they arrive, because it is recorded, immediately begin to arm their Molotov cocktails and strategies to cut off traffic. There is no intention of them to peacefully demonstrate anything. But they are less and less and are isolated by the most sensible people who want to demonstrate ”.
