In an unusual event, a man jumped into the Calle Calle river in Valdivia to avoid being detained by Carabineros. However, he was arrested anyway.

The detainee was caught along with another person, breaking the glass of a truck parked on Saelzer Street, in the Isla Teja sector.

At that moment, a persecution by carabineros from the First Police Station of Valdivia began that ended when the motorcycle on which they were fleeing fell.


However, this did not end there as the subjects fled in different directions. While one was arrested at the Isla Teja roundabout, the other was arrested after jumping into the Calle Calle river.

As reported by the Carabineros, the accused with initials DAVN (31) and DAAD (28) have a criminal record for different crimes. Even, the first maintains the measure of total house arrest for theft of vehicle accessory.

The criminal couple was brought to justice for frustrated robbery and contempt.