A present complex is living the former model Macarena Ramis, who is currently suffering from the disease faced by her mother, Nieves Duhalde (70), who suffers from branching lung cancer.
In conversation with Las Últimas Noticias, Ramis said that the disease has spread through his mother’s body, so there is no way to save her life. That is why he is currently in palliative care.
“She has terminal cancer, she underwent chemotherapy, radiotherapy, everything that could be done was done. But now she is only on palliative and bedridden. The family is in a stage of taking advantage of every minute with her, of loving her, of being there, but there is nothing to do in terms of medicine, “he said.
In this sense, the current businesswoman said that they have been quite difficult months, since Nieves’ health has deteriorated over time.
“It has been tremendous, I feel that living this agony has been atrocious. First, when they talk to you about cancer, which is a word that already has a certain load. Later when the hopes come that this or that can be done. We were in it for 9 months, everything that could be done was done and all of that was super painful. It was a very silent cancer, which when they found it was already branching. And then comes this time that is tragic all day. There are days when they call me and ‘they tell me come, it’s bad’. And one leaves with pain, anguish … I feel it as a constant agony, “he said.
Regarding her mother’s current state of health, Macarena said that she has received a lot of affection from all her loved ones, although she assumes that she is not very connected with reality.
“She is at home, and you just have to take good care of her, take advantage of her, nothing more than that. Right now this is all sweetie … I’m going to see her every day, kind of at 6 in the afternoon until 9. The weekend is already longer. She is not so connected either, at times she understands, every little minute she recognizes us, the children, my dad. With the grandchildren you lose a little ”, he commented.
That is why, today, Ramis herself maintains that her work has helped her endure what she is experiencing.
“If I did not have to do many things in life, I would spend all day suffering from this excruciating feeling, crying next to her,” he said.
“The hit takes me a little out of the other. Obviously my husband, my daughters, my family, my wonderful friends, help a lot when one is having a bad time, but clearly connecting in something that needs from me is important. There are hours of the day when I am full blown and it is not that one forgets the pain, the anguish and the disgusting sensation that one has inside, but that one simply disconnects a little from that because you are in another “, he concluded.