Low availability of critical beds in the Bío Bío requires sending covid-19 patients to regions | National


Three patients were referred this Monday from Concepción to Temuco, Talca and Chillán, and another five expect to be transferred this Tuesday to Santiago and other areas of the country, due to the low availability of critical beds in the Bío Bío region.

What is sought with the transfers is to maintain at all times a minimum slack of critical beds for patients with covid-19, however, that limit of 15% has already been exceeded and currently reaches 12%.

The Higueras de Talcahuano Hospital today has only two critical beds available and the Concepción Regional Hospital has eight, informed the coordinator of the Bío Bío Health MacroRed, Carlos Vera.

Transfers from the Bío Bío region to other areas of the country are already 34, of which 25 patients have been treated in establishments in the Metropolitan region and the others in La Araucanía and El Maule. Three of these patients have died from complications in their health.

The mayor Sergio Giacaman indicated that the network of public hospitals and clinics in the area have so far been able to respond to the complex situation, but it is difficult when there is also a very high occupancy of critical beds by patients who do not have covid-19.

At the Bío Bio Clinic in Talcahuano, the contribution that this facility has made in receiving patients who have had to be referred internally in the region was highlighted. The establishment went from having three to twelve critical beds and in recent days it has set up an external room for taking PCR samples.

Meanwhile, this day, the Bío Bío region reported 146 new coronavirus infections, arriving 1,669 active cases.

The commune of Coronel once again showed a significant increase in infections with 36 in the last 24 hours and 231 active, highlighting a outbreak of 24 cases on Santa María Island product of a wake and funeral that took place in Lota.

Because of this, this Tuesday 550 PCR tests were sent to the insula to promote an aggressive active search of cases in conjunction with a reinforcement of the examination.
