Biobío, La Araucanía and Los Lagos are the three regions that – according to the balance of the Minsal published this Sunday and as the trend has been these days- They concentrate 41% of the total of new cases of coronavirus reported nationwide. Besides, also registered an increase in their active infections, with two of them breaking new records in this item.
The new report from the health authority indicated that the Metropolitan Region continues to be the most affected both in new infections (374), and in patients who can currently spread the virus (3,067). However, it is followed -in both indicators- by the Biobío (254 new cases and 2,004 active infections); Los Lagos (236 and 1,686) and La Araucanía (229 and 1,303)
So, 40.9% of the new Covid-19 positives confirmed this Sunday at the national level, were registered in these three regions -that is, two out of every five infections. Regarding the current active cases, the mentioned areas concentrate 35% of the total country (4,993 of 14,182).
The Biobío Region reported a rise in this indicator in the last day and it exceeded, for the first time since September 15, the two thousand barrier.
On the other hand, in less than a week, La Araucanía and Los Lagos once again recorded a record in this item. This last region, in fact, did for the third day in a row.
It should also be remembered that the capital of Los Lagos –Puerto Montt- surpassed Arica and positioned itself as the second commune with the most active cases in the country, as reported by the sixtieth Epidemiological Report.