Continuing with his strategy of showing himself as a “victim” of a political persecution in the SQM case, where he is accused of bribery and multiple tax crimes by the Prosecutor’s Office, the former leader of the UDI Pablo Longueira now went directly against the Prosecutor Jorge Abbott National.
“He has no moral authority, let’s cut it. I know the meetings he had, what he negotiated and I am going to say it in the oral trial, “said the former senator in an interview with Radio Bío Bío.
“How can a man be a prosecutor who freed all the parliamentarians and elected some? How can you be in that position? I do not recognize him only moral authority, “said Longueira, alluding to the fact that in the same case the former minister Jorge Insunza was not formalized, who he accused of” banning the miners of the Chilean miners as president of the Mining Commission. “
Last weekend, Longueira reappeared in the political arena, announcing his support for the Approval and his intention to be a candidate for the Constituent Convention and for the presidency of the UDI. By the way, he took advantage of defending himself for his involvement in the SQM case, the worst corruption scandal of political silver in the history of the country, ahead of the oral trial on October 5 where he will have to answer only for the crime of bribery, since the SII did not bring criminal action against him on the tax issue.
The UDI leader who proclaims himself as the “most honest politician in Chile” assures that he never voted and that he never “touched a peso.” “Every year we hand over our account to the Ministry of Justice, every year. So clear (…) They investigated me for three, four years separately, in my case. The last move they did was to get me into the Soquimich cause. Now I am lucky for the Soquimich cause where there are many other things, ”he said.
It should be remembered that the Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that between 2007 and 2013 Longueira received a monthly payment from SQM, which did not come to him as a natural person, but to two foundations that he had created and that he presided over: the Web Foundation and Chile Justo, through the which received installments of 5 million liquid pesos between November 2007 and April 2013, which in total exceeds $ 700 million.
“I’m going to sue all of you.”
In the interview, Longueira again wielded the letter of the persecution, pointing out that the Prosecutor’s Office offered him a “deal” to avoid reaching the oral trial, but had to accept that he had committed two other crimes, one for influence peddling and incompatible negotiation . “I never accepted them, because I never did,” he insisted.
Moreover, he accused that the prosecutor Pablo Gómez formalized it without having declared because “he did not resist the pressure” of being linked to the figure of President Sebastián Piñera.
In this complaint about the treatment received from the Prosecutor’s Office, Longueira referred to the raid on his house and offices, something that “I have not seen even the country’s drug traffickers.” “This for me is the most humiliating thing that they have done to me in my life, by far,” he reaffirmed and described the procedure as a “mafia act.” What’s more, he accused that to get the order, “they deceived a court.”
For this reason, Longueira announced lawsuits for the leakage of the mail with the then general manager of SQM, Patricio Contesse, related to the royalty law for which he is being accused of bribery.
According to the investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office, at the time that Longueira was a senator and participated in the processing of the Royalty Law, he exchanged emails on the mining royalty law, through which it was possible to prove that the then senator promoted textual aspects suggested by the former executive.
“This email was illegally leaked to the prosecution, and I am also going to sue the prosecutor, because it is clear who it was and then I am going to sue all of them, and I am going to do it because there cannot be a democracy in a democracy that do this to a citizen, “he accused.
Longueira also went into a tailspin against the State Defense Council, and maintained that “one of the most important organizations that we have to modernize and change is the State Defense Council. What this institution has reached is incredible ”.
In this context, the former UDI minister once again questioned the counselor of the CDE, María Inés Horvitz, whom he accused of being a “communist” last week and insisted that he “led” the case against him. “You haven’t answered me,” she said.
But in the interview, Longueira went further and consulted by the current president of the CDE José Antonio Peribonio, and the former president of said body Juan Ignacio Piña, recalled that “they got there because we were the government.”
“There is nothing worse than these right-wingers who have to show the left that they are not on the right. I have panic about those, “he said, including prosecutor Pablo Gómez in the same group.