Along with the morning shows, programs that add a few changes are still on the air, despite a public health emergency, another group of television projects struggled to stay on screen in the midst of a coronavirus crisis.
An example of this is Continue (Channel 13), which continues every night after Pattern of evil– although with various modifications. On signal, they say that they have taken all the security measures required by health authorities, while maintaining a minimum number of workers, many of whom alternately visit the canal. On stage, artists Sergio Lagos and Small Jorkuent keep their distance, while most of their guests leave the house, both at the suggestion of the channel, and because they prefer to stay at home themselves. In addition, the program is recorded in the afternoon and is broadcast at normal times.

There is a similar situation in the program. True liefrom La Red. “We took all isolation measures with teams working in telecommuting mode, and we only had very small teams for airing,” says La Tercera executive producer of the program, Mauricio Parra. “Most of the guests are connecting remotely, and we are prepared to ensure that Eduardo Fuentes can make a program from home in the near future,” says the producer regarding the situation of the artist, who still remains in the studio most of the time. alone with the remote guest.
Regarding these changes, Parra comments: “Chileans have chosen to cover this crisis with other means, as he did after the October 18 social outbreak. And just like in this case, we need to be careful to include some of the forms that are here, such as online guests and split screens with multiple conversations. And welcome, so be it.

Fully utilizing technology, TVN program Carmen Gloria at your service (17:30) returned to the screen last week live and “from home,” as the channel itself called. After TVN decided to suspend recording of all its programs due to the pandemic, the project returned with Carmen’s lawyer Gloria Arroyo, who was broadcasting from her home, and with experts and authorities as guests.
From TVN, they comment that because of the nature of this project, which “educates, connects with people’s problems and helps them move forward by providing them with the necessary tools, today their presence on the screen is more important than ever.” In addition, they assure that distance transmission has already become familiar, as they do it the same way as in the morning Good morning everybody keeps her artist Maria Louise Godoy on the screen. “In both (programs) we work with various applications, such as LiveU, which allow us to transmit with fewer errors and excellent technical quality,” they add from the station.

In Mega, however, it’s still on screen Play time (12 a.m). According to the channel, the competition program led by Joaquín Mendes and Maria José Quintanilla works with the producer, three cameramen, and that he uses alcohol gel and gloves as a sanitary measure in the studio, and that the whole team has access to masks. In addition, artists come only 15 minutes before the show to avoid further distribution in the studio.
CHV, for its part, decided to suspend recording of its programs I, Pasapalabra and Can we talk There is no return date yet, showing previously recorded episodes in these weeks. Just like your program Sabingothat continues on weekends with recorded material.
TV + challenge
On TV +, on the other hand, almost all of its programs continue to develop, albeit with new conditions.
It hits me (6:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.), led by Daniel Fuenzalida, took action as the emergency worsened. “Three weeks ago, before full quarantine in Vitacura, because our channel is there, we decided that only one participant should attend the program, do the program without operators, and the other two participants through streaming,” says Fuenzalida. According to him, already with quarantine established, “we received more letters on this issue. Apart from the discussion participant, we are doing the program with three people: a director, a musician, and a make-up artist. ” In addition, there is a regular participant in the weekly discussion, “in order to avoid a lot of movement in the studio,” he explains, and he is asked that those who walk bring an extra pair of shoes to use only on the channel. Despite the changes, Fuenzalida says, “it worked out well, the rating did not fall, people are still with us.”
In this situation, the animator reflects: “As in life in general, there is television before and after this pandemic. I think that television will tend to be much more native, in informal formats that new generations are accustomed to using a cell phone, and where content will be much more appreciated. “A TV where we don’t need big technological developments, big studios, and not many people on the set, and therefore the budgets will also be reduced.”

We are a plate (5:00 p.m.), led by journalist Jose Miguel Furnaro and chef Alvaro Lois, the premiere of the new format took place this Monday after a series of programs that were recorded in record time in the middle of the last two weeks were shown Martha. Now, according to Furnaro, “we make most of the program from home, and we remember some points from past programs,” he explains about this modality, which is also recorded and edited by the group later. “We performed well in the ranking, so we are pleased with this,” he says of this rate, designed for the whole of April and even May. And this says something else: now that Lois is developing simple and ingenious recipes for quarantine days, “other sponsors have come because they want Alvaro to prepare their products. It’s become an opportunity because brands understand that it’s a good option to watch how the chef prepares his home and also makes it more familiar. ”

Milf (7:30 p.m.), meanwhile, is being broadcast live from Claudia Conserva’s entertainer department. They brought a camera and lighting equipment there, and only one channel technician comes to cooperate. From there, Conserva contacts his colleagues, Jasmine Vazquez and Renata Bravo via Skype. “El Pollo (Valdivia, her husband) acts as a cameraman, and my son helps me with images in commercial mentions,” says Conserva. She says that she also writes scripts and commercial mentions by hand, and that she herself plays music through a speaker connected to Bluetooth.
“It was a great experience, people love that we are alive, and we remain faithful to our path along the path of humor, without neglecting this space where we share our fears, experiences, quarantine anecdotes, opinions, etc.” says the fan. “They say that intelligence is the ability to adapt to the environment, and I feel that we were, we are on the air, despite all the hardships,” he said.

On the contrary, her husband, Juan Carlos “Pollo” Valdivia, continues to do nightly programs Talk show from the studio, although “with minimal staff,” says the artist, “and only with a driver.” Without discussion participants or guests. ” Valdivia also says that the few workers who are present do so in a private mobilization with all the necessary guarantees. “The reasons for continuing the study are technical,” he explains.
“We believe that it is very important that these evenings accompany and entertain with information. Adding the necessary humor to cheer you up, ”he concludes.
