Lo Prado points to Interior after fatal shooting: “There is no strategy against the scourge of drug trafficking”


The Municipality of Lo Prado regretted the shooting that this Sunday ended with two people dead and four wounded in his commune, and accused that “There is no strategy to confront the scourge of drug trafficking that has permeated the neighborhoods.”

The exchange of shots took place in the streets of Juan Fernández with the Tamarindos, and according to police information, the events occurred in two stages: a fight in the first instance and then a possible reckoning.

“This type of event reveals the weaknesses of a Public Security system, under the Ministry of the Interior where there is no state strategy to confront the scourge of drug trafficking that has permeated the neighborhoods, harming community life in the most vulnerable sectors, “said the mayor’s municipality Maximiliano Rios it’s a statement.

In addition, he denounced that this is compounded by the cut in the budget for support programs applied by the Government, a situation that “was exacerbated by the pandemic, further limiting tools with which the municipalities could go to support the affected communities. “

Along the same lines, he indicated that Lo Prado along with other municipalities in the western sector of the Metropolitan Region (Cerro Navia, Pudahuel, Quinta Normal and Renca) have been denouncing this lack of tools and the low police staff to develop actions and work together with the community.

Finally, he asked “to address a problem that not only settled in some neighborhoods, but that affects the country and that the Ministry of the Interiorr must attend as quickly as possible. “
