On Monday, through a video where former colleagues greeted him, the retirement of Manuel Iturra. The now former player, 35, reviewed his career with Marca de España, in a note titled “the thousand anecdotes” from “Colocho”.
One of the tastiest is the one lived with Xavi. “I was playing for a whole game. He said to me: ‘What are you doing, Itu?’. I answered him: ‘Let’s see if something of your quality sticks to me.’ And he said to me: ‘But if you are left over.’ I replied: ‘Don’t be a liar’ [risas]”recalled the midfielder, with steps by Real Murcia, Malaga, Granada, Rayo Vallecano and Villarreal in Spanish football.
About Lionel Messi, stressed that it is “the largest he saw”. “There is a video that he comes out from all sides and I go out just behind the ball. At the end of the video, I gesticulate, I raise an arm and I come to say: ‘With you, you can’t.’ he joked.
He also recalled an encounter with Neymar, which meant an internal fight. “In one play, he collided with me and ended up exaggerating. He came and insulted me, but nothing else happened. That is, as a result of that altercation with Neymar, a colleague from my wardrobe came to scold me. He told me that I was dirtying the games , and that we were beating Barça. We almost went to hand, “he said.
Finally, he had words to Marcelo Bielsa, “the most peculiar” of the coaches he had. “One day, in a tie for the World Cup, they expelled Isla in the 40th minute. Bielsa comes and tells me to go in without warming up. I go in, I didn’t touch the ball, I get to the locker room and he asks me if I’m okay. He asked me three times and I said it was perfect. But it took me away from the break! I played five minutes. My teammates showed solidarity with me and encouraged me. Bielsa asked me later if I understood… but the anguish and anger was not taken away by anyone “he confessed.