Lenga: They take 200 PCR in the cove to rule out a larger outbreak and contain the existing ones | National


With the taking of 200 PCR tests, the plan against the coronavirus outbreak detected in Caleta de Lenga continued and that so far has seven members of two families with confirmed tests for covid-19. Sanitary measures will depend on the results obtained to prevent the spread of infections.

The aggressive active detection program continued in this gastronomic sector of the commune of Hualpén, where members of two families have already been confirmed with the virus, working on traceability to determine the source of the contagion.

The concern of the residents of Lenga is to know if there are more infected people and that because they are asymptomatic they could be transmitting the coronavirus, said the president of the Board of Neighbors, Susana Velásquez, admitting that the origin of the contagion is not known until now.

“People don’t really know where they got it, so I can’t tell them it comes from outside, visitors or here, no. I dont know. We really don’t have that information. Anyway, here we are in Lenga and the cove is small and the people all know each other and we all visit each other. So I think that more than anything that is the concern of the people, “he said.

Unofficially it was known that the first seven confirmed for covid-19 would have been added an eighth neighbor, while the number of close contacts and therefore sent to quarantine would reach 28.

To know the real health situation of the cove is that this Saturday the taking of PCRs continued, with 200 tests applied to the residents of the place, anticipating Felipe Salas, from Cesfam La Floresta, who is expected to have the results this Monday.

“We consider that (…) the results should be available by Monday at the latest. If positive people turn out, what is coming now is traceability ”, he explained.

In parallel to the active search for cases, the Municipality of Hualpén began a process of sanitizing all of Lenga, which must go hand in hand with the responsibility of the neighbors to continue complying with prevention measures, said Mayor Katherine Torres.

“Neighbors and neighbor: please do not relax, we must not lower our guard. The coronavirus has not been eradicated in the commune or in our country, therefore, the sanitary measures that have been announced in the course of all these months must continue to be applied, “he declared.

As had been advanced by the Seremi de Salud, military and Navy personnel were in charge of controlling the entrance to the cove, in order to prevent strangers from reaching the beach, as has happened in past weekends, forgetting that on Saturdays and Sundays the quarantine still prevails in Greater Concepción.
