Learn how the eclipse of December 14 will look in the Province of Biobío



Next Monday, December 14, there will be a total solar eclipse, the most anticipated astronomical phenomenon of the year by both experts and amateurs in the field.

This event, however, will not be appreciated around the world, but will only be visible in much of South America, in a small region of Africa and in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

The cone of darkness, known as the umbra, will be a strip of around 110 kilometers in length that, in the case of Chile, will allow the eclipse to be total in several locations in the La Araucanía region, such as Puerto Saavedra, Teodoro Schmidt, Carahue, Nueva Imperial, Freire, Pitrufquén, Gorbea, Loncoche, Pucón, Lican Ray and Villarrica.

You can also see the eclipse in full on Isla Mocha, administratively in the Biobío region, and in some places north of the Los Ríos region.

In the case of the province of Biobío, a large part of the communes will be within the sector called penumbra, that is, the sun will not be completely covered. However, due to our proximity to Araucanía, which is where the Umbra will be – a sector where the sun will be covered 100% – we can still see it almost in its splendor.

Next we leave you the percentage of visibility that some sectors will have, this according to the Timeanddate.com site:

-Los Angeles: 96%

-Goatherd 94%

-Mulchén 97%

– Birth 96%

-Quilleco: 95%

-Santa Barbara: 96%

-San Rosendo and Laja: 95%

-Tucapel: 95%

-Yumbel: 95%

-Antuco: 95%

-High Biobío: 97%

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