Lawyers point out that he was carrying a knife: they expand the complaint against a police officer formalized in the case of a young man thrown into the Mapocho river


Carabinero Sebastián Zamora was formalized for the crime of frustrated homicide after having pushed, in what he assures was only an attempt to arrest, a 16-year-old young man who fell to the bed of the Mapocho river last Friday, October 2. A week after the fact that today he has him in preventive detention at the Pudahuel Norte sub-police station, the complaint against the uniformed man was extended this Sunday.

According to Radio Biobío, the lawyers Fernando Leal and Sebastián Rojas also seek to investigate the crime of obstruction of the investigation. This petition is based on the information revealed by the prosecutor Ximena Chong when she formalized Zamora, where she said that the Carabineros would have tried to pass AAA off as a detainee

In addition, there is the revelation that Zamora was carrying a personal camera on the day of the incident, which was reported after the formalization.

The judicial action also indicates that in images recorded by another uniformed man on the day of the event, and which were exhibited by the Prosecutor’s Office during the formalization, a uniformed man is seen with something similar to a knife.

“If the effectiveness of these events is proven, it could open a new line of investigation, in this sense, it does not stop drawing attention that whoever carries the GoPro camera approaches and talks more than once with the official who carries the alleged knife” , the lawyers assured, according to the radio outlet.

The lawyers ask to expand the complaint against the police officer Sebastián Zamora and against all those who may be responsible for the crime of obstruction of the investigation. For this, different expertise is requested and that Minister Víctor Pérez and the general director of the Carabineros, Mario Rozas, be summoned to testify.
