He Mayor of Las Condes He referred to the constitutional process and the new changes in the country, which he intends to lead after ensuring that he intends to “be the protagonist of the new cycle” political.
The mayor participated in the forum “Political challenges for Chile today”, organized by the Jaime Guzmán Foundation, where he spoke with the toughest sectors of the right, the same ones that have strongly criticized him after his intention to vote I approve and consider himself a social democrat.
In the webinar, Lavín was clear in his position regarding the Plebiscite assuring that it is for the Approval “because it symbolizes that we are passing into a new stage in the life of the country that shows a new reality.” And I add: “There is no possibility of building a majority project since the Rejection. The approval, beyond the Constitution itself, means telling Chileans ‘ok, we understand, they want Chile to be different, that the development model is not exactly the same as it is now.’ The approval means taking that into account and joining that majority project. “
Government Idea
In the conversation, Lavín delivered lines of the new government that, according to him, Chile needs. “Chile needs a government of transformation, able to make changes. The last governments, among them those of President Bachelet and President Piñera, have been more of an administration, they have not had majorities to carry out what they wanted or what Chile needs (…) and it was accumulating a set of pending profound issues ”.
There, the communal chief was very critical of his sector because for him “In part, this has been a bit the fault of our sector, which has often had a vocation as a dam, of trying to contain changes. And the truth is that this is not the right thing to do.”
Finally, when asked if he has made the decision to be a presidential candidate, Lavín assured that “I have not decided. I was already a presidential candidate (…) and to put on the curriculum that I was President, I am not interested, if it is not really to do this “.