Lapidary report: Covid-19 investigative commission concludes that the Government “seriously neglected the spread of the pandemic”


A harsh report for the Government, which concludes that the Executive neglected the spread of the pandemic, delayed taking measures at the level of a Traceability, Testing and Isolation (TTA) strategy, and that also questions the count and registration of deaths issued the investigative commission of the Chamber of Deputies regarding covid-19.

Although the investigating body has scheduled the vote on the report for the session scheduled for 2:00 p.m., the opposition has a majority to approve the text that concludes that “for this Commission, they are the President of the Republic, and the Ministers of Health in their respective mandates, the political leaders of the management of the pandemic in Chile, and its effects ”.

As stated by the president of the commission, Jaime Mulet (FRVS), Radio Bío Bío, “The conclusions are categorical, they are clear. We believe that the Government in the first part of the pandemic seriously neglected the spread of the pandemic. There were elements to avoid or take some additional measures ”.

He also indicated that “I believe that there was an authoritarian, very vertical management, important sectors that could have helped (…) decision-making by the Government lacked the receptivity of ideas from scientists, doctors, trade associations, very centralist, Minister Mañalich in particular, and little listened to experts ”.

As reported by Radio Bío Bío, the text indicates that “the Government focused primarily on the hospital situation, seriously neglecting the spread of the pandemic,” focusing its strategy on the “dynamic quarantines” implemented by the now former Minister Jaime Mañalich.

The commission also questions the Traceability, Testing and Isolation (TTA) strategy, stating that it “was virtually non-existent from the beginning of the pandemic until the end of July, when despite reinforcing some aspects, it was not possible to comply with minimum standards to become a really useful preventive measure ”.

“The consequences of not adopting the corresponding preventive measures by the Government resulted in the impossibility of effectively interrupting the chain of infections, which caused the virus to spread rapidly to a large part of the population, thereby increasing the number of serious cases , and as a consequence, the number of deceased people ”, adds the report.

Another key point in the document corresponds to the count and registration of the deceased, where the commission “concludes that the President of the Republic Sebastián Piñera, the former Minister of Health Jaime Mañalich, the Undersecretary of Health Paula Daza and the Undersecretary of Networks Arturo Zúñiga are responsible of the political decision to communicate to the public a statistic of deaths from COVID-19 that underreported the real number of deaths since it did not adhere to the recommendations of the WHO, nor did it consider the international standards for classifying diseases “.

“The criteria implemented by the health authority for the registration of deceased had the consequence of varying the fatality rate of COVID19 in Chile and therefore altering the perception of citizens around the mortality of the pandemic in the country,” he says .

The report also questions the shortcomings in the Government’s response when it comes to delivering measures to confront the socio-economic effects of the pandemic, noting that “the government did not develop, nor did it apply, policies and / or plans to respond to the specific needs of women, despite the fact that their domestic and work situation worsened with the pandemic ”.

Regarding what is coming, and the probability of a second wave, Deputy Mulet pointed out that “we believe that the minister and the President have responsibilities in this, but above all we have to see how errors are corrected and how we face a new wave Hopefully the scientific community will be listened to, more work will be done with primary health care, multidisciplinary teams will be integrated in each of the regions and this vertical work will not be done ”.

Likewise, the commission points out that “the Minister of Health incurred in infractions to the Constitution and the Constitutional Organic Law of the National Congress by not responding to more than 16 official letters dispatched by the Investigative Commission, despite being reiterated on various occasions, the which required transcendental information for the fulfillment of the mandate of this parliamentary instance ”.

The investigative commission chaired by Jaime Mulet (FRVS), is also made up of the UDI Álvaro Carter, María José Hoffmann and Osvaldo Urrutia; Francisco Eguiguren, Frank Sauerbaum and Diego Schalper, from RN; Carolina Marzán (PPD); Marcela Hernando (PR); Luis Rocafull and Leonardo Soto, from the PS; the DC Víctor Torres; and Camila Vallejo (PC).
