“Gambit de Dama” (The Queens Gambit) has been positioned as one of the most popular Netflix series in recent times. The story follows Beth Harmon, an orphan woman who discovers herself as a prodigy in the world of chess and rises through the ranks of the game as she battles addiction.
Since its premiere on October 23, sales of chess sets have risen 125 percentJuli Lennett, a toy industry analyst at NPD, told The New York Times.
“Manufacturers and retailers were probably not prepared for this increase in sales. So, If consumers want a chess set to give away, I recommend buying it now before they are out of stock“Lennet told the American media.
On the other hand, the marketing director of the toy company “Goliath Games”, which sells various types of chess games, assured that sales increased more than a thousand percent compared to last year. In addition, he added that accessories have also become popular and that wooden games sell nine times more than plastic, electronic or glass.
Also, before the hit series, the sale of chess games on the internet already sold 60% more than last year, which the company attributes to people spending more time at home during the pandemic.
Finally, David Llada, spokesman for the International Chess Federation, also known as FIDE, added that: “The chess community fell in love with the series because it successfully portrays different aspects of chess in all its richness: It’s easy enough to be fun to play, but also complex enough to pose a challenge. “