After its cover in Velvet Magazine this week, Kel Calderon revealed more details of the family breakdown after the Nano Calderón case. In an interview with MON, and after strong statements about her mother, the lawyer confessed that she has not spoken with her father since her court statement.
“He was overwhelmed with the situation. He was suffering a lot from having his son deprived of liberty. In the end, the feeling both mine and my sister Francisca’s is that the only thing that began to matter to him was that. The feelings darkened a bit. to reason ??commented the influencer.
??It was super sad because in the end you can’t save a person from yourself. Obviously this does not mean that I do not love my dad, but clearly in a minute, despite the fact that one wants to do the best and has the best intentions, we take diametrically different positions?Kel Calderón added.
Kel Calderón and his distant relationship with his father
In the same interview with LUN, Kel Calderón explained that she and her sister went to testify “to collaborate with justice?”, But that this caused relations to break down.
??I have not spoken to him since that date. He decided to represent himself just because he did not agree with everything that the people around him thought?Said the young woman, adding that such a decision to represent herself is not shared to this day.
??I have never wanted something bad for any member of my family, on the contrary. I think that when your values are put to the test in extreme circumstances is when one more must act in the correct way?Kel Calderón sentenced.