Karina Oliva Pérez (Common) will represent the Frente Amplio -in the elections of April 11, 2021- as a candidate for the governor of the Metropolitan Region, after beating Sebastián Depolo (RD) and María José Cumplido (PL) in the primaries this Sunday.
Olive 35 years old, from Puente Alto, who describes herself as “Emilia’s mother” (who is currently 13 years old), “Broad Front”, “Crusade” and “Feminist”; it is Degree in Political Science and International Relations.
Although his mother is an Adventist and his father is a Mormon, he defines himself as agnostic. He studied without credit, financing the university with jobs he did in his spare time.
Always interested in social problems and democracy, between 2004 and 2010 she studied Political Science at the University Academy of Christian Humanism.
Among the milestones of his political career are his role as President of Citizen Power, and the position of Spokesperson for the Frente Amplio.
In 2017 was a candidate in the parliamentary elections by District 12, in which Miguel Crispi Serrano (RD) as a representative of the Frente Amplio.
More about 2020 primaries
Karina Oliva has experience with numbers. Not just because tax matters are his obsession -Besides gender issues-, but also because in 2011 worked as an advisor to Senator Alejandro Navarro, then president of MAS.
The employment relationship with Navarro ended in 2012, after the MAS supported the candidacy of Michelle Bachelet. For Oliva, the New Majority was not his presidential option.
So he decided to work at the command Marcel Claude, presidential candidate in 2013 with support from the Humanist Party. From there, he made the leap to configure his own project as part of Poder Ciudadano.
As part of Comunes -party born in 2018 from the merger of Power and the Autonomous Left- launched his candidacy for the governorship of the Metropolitan Region with the aim of “Build the first feminist city.”
As detailed in his campaign program, its five axes are: achieving a “Dignified city, without fear, fair, innovative and green”.
“We are available to advance further. We have no problems in competing (with other opposition sectors), but we also want to get to the ballot in April, “said Oliva after winning the majority of the votes in the primaries for governors in the RM.