Karen Doggenweiler confessed that she would have loved to be First Lady: “The slit would have done it” | TV and Show


The cheerleader Karen doggenweiler she confessed that she “would have loved to be first lady”, after the three presidential candidacies of her husband, the progressive Marco Enriquez-Ominami (MEO). “The slit would have done it,” he said.

The couple got married in December 2003. Six years later, in 2009, MEO made their wishes to use the La Moneda chair official; however, he lost in the first round. He also participated in the 2013 elections, obtaining the same results.

The last election in which he participated was in 2017, where he obtained almost 6% of the votes. After that, he temporarily retired from politics. In the next presidential one in 2021, MEO wouldn’t be on the ballot. “I will not be a presidential candidate or anything,” he said on the program Estado Nacional (TVN).

In conversation with journalists Felipe Bianchi Y Mauricio Contreras in the program Sunday Sundays, The exanimadora of the Good morning to all (TVN) said that “I would have loved to play the role of First Lady. I would have done something completely different, more modern. I think it’s very difficult to govern anyway, but I did have a lot of ideas. “

She also pointed out that she rejected any project related to becoming a senator or deputy. “The hemicycle is not my thing,” he said. She added that she would not have liked to become mayor either. “No, I think not. I dont know. I don’t believe in that thing. I don’t like this being there, ”he said.

The presenter insisted that “I would have loved to be First Lady. When you put your convictions, your dreams, you win in something, in a project where you play it, and obviously I would have loved it and I would have done it.

After that conversation, Contreras congratulated her on her solidity. “I am very surprised that you tell me so confidently and simply. “I would have done amazing as First Lady.” I congratulate you, Karen ”, he affirmed.

“… If you are applying for something, and it is a ticket with someone, you risk it and it would be strange if you did not have a government program (…) how could I not feel proud of having been on a par with him shaking Chileans and paying a lot of costs for all this break up. I think he would have done very well and I very well, with the commitment, “he replied.

“We are a super matte and applied generation, and of course, if there are illusions and people’s dreams that is there. You give everything. You work tirelessly ”, he closed.
