The Fourth Civil Court of Santiago accepted the diffuse collective interest lawsuit filed by the National Consumer Service (Sernac), against the water utility Aguas Andinas for the suspension of drinking water service in 23 municipalities of the Metropolitan Region, in April 2016.
In the judgment, magistrate María Paula Merino Verdugo established the company’s responsibility for breach of contract, for which she must pay a compensatory compensation of $ 9,360, equivalent to three days of drinking water cut, plus 0.15 UTM, in her equivalent in national currency on the day said consumptions are billed to each affected user.
The resolution states that “the sum must be paid by means of the discount in its entirety in the charges or bills corresponding to the supply of the month subsequent to the execution of the judgment, with readjustments according to the variation that the consumer price index experiences, between the date of the first degree judgment and the date of its effective discount, plus current interest for adjustable operations, only in case of default. “