Justice cites Mañalich to testify as accused of deaths from covid-19: he was requested by his defense | National


Leonardo Rubilar | UNO Agency


The Seventh Guarantee Court of Santiago accepted the defense request of the former Minister of Health, Jaime Mañalich, to summon him to testify in the framework of the investigation into the deaths of COVID-19.

Mañalich will come to deliver his testimony as accused.

Yesterday it was reported that his lawyer Gabriel Zaliasnik appealed to the 3rd and 7th Guarantee Court of Santiago to schedule a hearing and thus Mañalich deliver his statement regarding possible criminal responsibilities in the framework of the pandemic, renouncing his right to remain silent.

The petition was presented because, according to Mañalich’s defense, the North Central Prosecutor’s Office He had not summoned him to testify during the four months that the investigation that arose after the complaint of the mayor of Recoleta has lasted, Daniel Jadue, for deaths from coronavirus in his commune.

Earlier, Zaliasnik had pointed out that “it is indispensable that the Public ministry leave behind your reluctance to listen to former minister Jaime Mañalich “.

“The repeated refusal or the little decision at the time of obtaining its version of the facts shows the tunnel vision with which the Public Ministry and its lack of objectivity”, He added.

In the professional’s opinion, “anyone would think that if such serious allegations are made to a former minister, the first thing to do is listen to his version and receive his background information. However, here the Public Ministry has made quite the opposite”.

The hearing will be held on November 11th at 9:00 in the morning electronically.

This article describes an ongoing legal process

There is a possibility that the charges will be dismissed at the end of the investigation, therefore The accused (s) should NOT be considered guilty until Justice dictates sentence against him.
(Article 04 of the Code of Criminal Procedure)
