The singer has nine children Julio Iglesias, 77 years old. Enrique Iglesias is perhaps the most famous, but his younger sisters Victorias and Cristina break into the networks at 19 years old. Lovers of fashion and heirs to their mother’s beauty, these twins are the pride of the Spanish.
Born on May 1, 2001 from the union between Julio Iglesias and the Dutch Miranda Rijnsburger, 55, they have three other siblings by mother and mother: Miguel, Guillermo and Rodrigo.
Although they were born in Miami, they have their main residence in Malaga, where they returned after mandatory confinement due to the coronavirus pandemic. From there they offered an interview to Harper’s Bazaar magazine.
The daughters of Julio Iglesias
There they confessed that after adolescence they understood the magnitude of their father’s fame, who boasts a 52-year career full of successes.
“Our father has always instilled in us a lot of discipline. We are aware of the privileges that life has given us, we are grateful and we want to take advantage of the opportunities that have been presented to us since we were born,” they affirmed.
From their father they believe they have inherited “the discipline and dedication to never give up.” While from his mother “the goodness and the way of being, especially the way to bring the positive out of any circumstance.”
One of their passions is fashion and they can already feel part of the elite, because in 2019 they attended the Gala of the Metropolitan Museum of New York, organized by the legendary Vogue editor, Anna Wintour.
“I am very proud of my daughters Cristina and Victoria at their first Met Gala by the hand of my soul brother Oscar de la Renta!”, Wrote Julio Iglesias with several photos of Victoria and Cristina on the famous pink carpet.
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