Jorge Schaulsohn returns to politics and announces himself as an option for constituent


Former PPD President Jorge Schaulsohn, after 16 years away from politics, announced his candidacy as constituent to write the new Constitution.

“The only way I can get to the Constitutional Convention is if you help me with the signatures (District 10 Metropolitan Region) and then with your vote, that is why I am making my proposals known, and I am betting everything on social networks “, published the former deputy.

The last time Schaulsohn appeared in the political world was in the year 2004, when tried to be mayor of Santiago.

In an interview with The DynamoHe assured that he is “independent, not because he is not an anti-party (…) I do not feel today represented by any political party, neither of the right, nor of the center-left, nor less of the hardest left “.

Regarding the ideas that summon him to participate in this instance, he stressed that “my approach has to do with improve the quality of democracy, there we are really failing. In this perspective, we must establish a recall Plebiscite for all elected authorities in unipersonal positions (…) The idea is that people can say ‘this authority is doing it wrong and I am going to revoke my mandate.’
