Jorge Baradit is available to be a constituent candidate


Baradit pointed out that mishandling of quarantines can endanger the plebiscite – ATON

Less than seven weeks from constitutional plebiscite, the electoral environment is felt. If it was first Pablo Longueira, now Jorge baradit who expressed his intentions to be constituent candidate.

“I’ve thought a lot about it and today I have every interest to be a candidate for the convention, of course for the segment progressive of our policy, “said the writer in an interview with The Clinic.

The author of “Secret history of Chile“Yes, he clarified that before being a candidate” some party will have to want to lead to this rabidly independent critter on your lists“.

Baradit also pointed out that “the pandemic was the possibility of government to exercise absolute control “and that a mismanagement of quarantines “Could carry to a critical situation regarding the plebiscite“.

The next October 25 citizens can vote I approve the rejection to a new constitution, also if the mechanism to create it would be a convention mixed or one constituent convention.


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