This Sunday morning, the sentence was read against John Cobin, the US citizen who last November shot protesters in the framework of the social outbreak in Viña del Mar.
In this way the Oral Court in the criminal of the garden city sentenced the man to three effective penalties: one of 5 years and one day as the perpetrator of the crime simple homicide frustrated, another 3 years old and one day like perpetrator of a crime of simple homicide tempted, and a 3-year-old and a day for him crime of unjustified shooting on public roads, illegal registered in 2019 in Reñaca.
As reported, Cobin’s defense has 10 days to appeal the court’s decision.
The event was recorded on the afternoon of Sunday, November 10, 2019, when within the framework of the social outbreak that was replicated throughout the country, a group of people was performing the already known “he who dances passes” on Borgoño avenue, in the Reñaca sector.
At that time, John Cobin, refused to carry out the action and began to accelerate his vehicle, so those who were at the scene began to hit his vehicle.
At that moment Cobin got out of the truck and fired four times.
A 33-year-old man ended up with a leg injury as a result of the shots, being transferred to the Gustavo Fricke Hospital.
Who is John Cobin?
In 2013, The Clinic published an article entitled “John Cobin, the gringo who wants to” colonize “Curacaví:” There is no person more neoliberal than me in this country. “
According to this, the foreigner arrived in Chile in 1996, marrying a Chilean. In addition, he took economics classes at the Andrés Bello University until 2015.
In it, Cobin points out that he is an evangelical and that he came to the country because of “privatizations, less socialism, less taxes, the opportunity to do good business.”
Finally, in the publication he pointed out that he is a friend of Hermógenes Pérez de Arce, whom he indicated that he is “a little further to the left than I am,” he pointed out that “Pinochet was a hero in terms of eliminating communism” and professed his admiration for what was done by the “Chicago Boys” in our country.