The mega-success “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee It is on everyone’s lips again.
That’s because the Democratic presidential candidate Joe biden He put it on his cell phone for a few seconds during a campaign rally Tuesday night in Florida, right after being introduced by Fonsi himself.
The image became popular on social media on Wednesday when the president Donald trump retweeted a tweet with a video of Biden putting the song. However, the song you hear is not “Despacito”, but one from the NWA group that includes lyrics denouncing police abuse against minorities.
Triumph comments in the tweet: “China must be drooling. You can’t believe this! ” The post includes a message from Twitter warning that the content of the video has been tampered with.
Spokespersons for Biden they rated the retweet of Triumph as part of “the more than 20,000 lies and misinformation that emerge from the president of the United States.” They also told the AP that this is “another desperate attempt (to Triumph) to distract from his total and complete inability to lead.
Biden put a few seconds of the song of Fonsi at an event in Kissimmee, Florida, to mark the start of the Hispanic Heritage Month. The candidate tries to increase his support among Hispanics in the state, who could tip the balance towards Democrats or Republicans. Florida is a very tight electoral state.
Spokespersons for Triumph They did not respond to a message from The Associated Press requesting comment on the president’s retweet. The Latinos For Trump team, however, released a video Wednesday afternoon in which it is heard “Slowly” and it looks like Biden touching the shoulders of several women from behind and kissing their heads.
“In fact, ‘Despacito’ is the perfect song for Joe Biden”, say the text that accompanies the video.
The Democratic candidate has been criticized in the past for getting too close and expressing exaggerated displays of affection in public to women.
On the other hand, Fonsi praised Biden on Twitter, calling him “a great leader.”
“He has shown his respect and admiration for the Latino community and for PR (Puerto Rico) for many years. It’s time we have a president who treats us with the dignity we deserve! ”, Wrote the singer.
The fact that Biden put the hit of 2017 on his phone while moving his hips a little, was criticized by some on social networks who described his attitude as complacent. Others, however, were fine with it.
“We Latinos love music, we love to celebrate,” said Natascha Otero-Santiago, a volunteer who leads the group. Boricuas for Biden. The Hispanic said that hearing the song at the event on Tuesday “gave a joyful touch to the event.”