Jobs and Health: Piñera announces expansion of 9.5% in Budget 2021 and details the main axes | National


President Sebastián Piñera announced on Tuesday night that the Budget for 2021 will reach 73,234 million dollars.

In a national chain that lasted for about 20 minutes, the Head of State indicated that the amount represents an expansion of 9.5% compared to this year and will be focused on economic reactivation and job recovery.

“In a few months, we lost more than 1.8 million jobs, equivalent to what we had created together during the last 10 years,” Piñera lamented, and then warned that “it is not enough to protect Chileans only during the emergency “, But also” it is necessary and urgent to look up and prepare for the future when this emergency declines or ends. “

In this way, he explained that the 2021 Budget will also translate into an increase of 14.9% in public investment.

Employment and Health

As indicated, the priority will be the reactivation of employment, for which 2,951 million dollars will be allocated, which according to the Government represents an increase of 416% compared to what was approved for this year.

He also specified that the amount for 2021 “includes additional resources to continue fighting the coronavirus pandemic and to acquire, in a timely manner, safe and effective vaccines to protect our compatriots from COVID-19.”

In addition, Piñera added, “it strengthens Primary Health Care, continues with the Construction Plan for 54 Hospitals and 120 Clinics”, which will represent an increase of more than one billion dollars for this and other concepts.

In other matters, the President announced increases for the protection of women (+ 36%) and the elderly (+ 7.2%).

This is a budget “very austere with expenses that are far from the needs and priorities of the people, but generous with the resources to meet the true needs and priorities of families,” said Piñera.

Thus, the Budget will be sent by the Ministry of Finance this Wednesday to Congress for its processing.
