Jadue defends Russian drug against covid-19: I recommend the minister to read, he is misinformed | National


The mayor of Recoleta, Daniel Jadue, spoke about the Russian drug Avifavir (Favipiravir) that is distributed by the commune to combat covid-19 from another side.

Given this, the health authorities gave their opinion on its use and pointed out that the drug was not recommended to be prescribed en masse.

In conversation with It could be another thing, Mayor Jadue, and president of the Chilean Association of Municipalities with Popular Pharmacies (Achifarp) defended the arrival of the drug saying that, “we started the steps to bring it because at that time there was not a glimpse that we were going to have a vaccine.

“We were very upset with this government because they did not consider primary care and they had rejected the possibility of treating him with the drugs that were being tested all over the world, “he remarked.

Thus, Jadue explained that the antiviral was modified to treat covid, and that in his second phase studies, within the first five days of treatment the viral load is reduced by 100% in 65% of the cases.

“Fewer people hospitalized, intubated, less who are fighting for the last bed and that it is an ethical question“, he claimed.

According to the mayor, if the last phase of the drug were to be waited, which would be in three more years, “during all that time patients would have to be given compassionate treatment and the one that does not overcome the disease dies. We are not available for that“Added the mayor.

He also opined on the sayings that he would have made this for political purposes with a view to the presidency, however he denied it, “Some forget that I am mayor, and they only see me as a pre-presidential candidate”.

Use of Favipiravir

“The first case, which was delivered on Monday, the person was in a situation of being hospitalized. On the third day the viral load It has dropped so much that today he is already eating“, Assured the mayor.

The mayor also affirmed that the 300 treatments are available free of charge to residents of Recoleta who have covid-19. “It is for all those who present symptoms, we have a good surveillance system (…) it is a drug being tested all over the world ”, he coined.

Before the words of Minister Paris

When the launch of the drug was announced, Health Minister Enrique Paris affirmed that they are not looking for its massive use, and that its adverse effects in pregnant women and combined with paracetamol were very dangerous.

“I recommend that the minister read the documents made by the institutions under his charge because he is very misinformed”, this as Paris called as “experimental study”.

“What the minister wants to do is make a political point in this of being constantly attacking and discriminating us, but it doesn’t work out because we seem to be much more serious than they are, “he said.

“They are still trapped in this failure of strategy, and look where they have us (…) we would have liked them to take more care of us since he left ”, however, he specified that the mass vaccination plan is a success of the Government.

Listen to the interview conducted by Rafael Venegas
