The opposition commemoration of the 47 years of the coup has been marked by the process that Chile is going through facing the constitutional plebiscite of next October 25, where two eventual presidential candidates stood out: the mayor of Recoleta, Daniel Jadue (PC), the helmsman PPD, Heraldo Muñoz.
Tributes to the former President Salvador Allende have been extended throughout the morning of this Friday, September 11, starting with the Communist Party that arrived in front of the statue of the former President with the mayor of Recoleta, his name best positioned in the polls as a possible candidate, as a counterweight to the mayor of Las Condes, Joaquín Lavín (UDI).
In this context, and after ensuring that there is “anti-communism” among the faces of the center-left, Jadue said that he does not argue “about cartoons, I argue about concrete facts. What has caught my attention is that I have been questioned for being a communist, no one has spoken about my program“.
“What seems wrong to you is that there are popular pharmacies all over Chile? What seems wrong to you is that there are popular opticians all over Chile, popular real estate agencies? Does it seem wrong to you that people pay a fair price to live in this country ? If that seems wrong, let’s discuss it, but the other is just a cartoon that I’m not willing to enter, “he said.
47 years after the military coup against the President # Overseas, we pay fair tribute to his legacy and to the thousands of victims left by the dictatorship. With the memory intact and the dream of a worthy Chile, we move on! pic.twitter.com/DX921cropY
– Daniel Jadue #YoApruebo (@danieljadue) September 11, 2020
The joint directives of the PPD and PS also came to pay tribute to Allende.
While Muñoz said that “as there are some who are saying that we are going to start with a blank page, I want to tell them: What blank sheet is larger than the one from the year 80? When there were no electoral registers, when there was no Congress, when they had been tortured, disappeared, murdered, exiled, there was a blank page there. “
Today in front of the door of Morande 80 of La Moneda, remembering President Salvador Allende and the sadness and pain of September 11, but with an eye on the future with hope and conviction for the approval in the plebiscite of October 25. pic.twitter.com/FTsCa9GTCZ
– Heraldo Muñoz (@HeraldoMunoz) September 11, 2020
“In a short time we have a Plebiscite that can mean opening the door, free ourselves from the straitjacket represented by the Constitution imposed in the dictatorship and that finally the people of Chile be the protagonist in the construction of their future, and that is why today we are concentrating our efforts precisely on a favorable result for the Approve option and the Constitutional Convention option, “said helmsman PS, Alvaro Elizalde.
Teillier: “The constituent process is a great desire and a great demand”
For his part, the communist helmsman, Guillermo Teillier, stressed that “the people of Chile have imposed a constituent process: a great desire and a great demand“.
“Salvador Allende, on the day of the coup, he was going to announce a plebiscite at the State Technical University (now Usach) to change the Constitution, knowing that, however, the coup leaders advanced the coup that was planned, according to them, the days of September 18 and the change of the Constitution is pending then, of the change of the Pinochetista Constitution of the year 1980; not today, today the people have imposed a plebiscite again, “he said.
While the president of the Association of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared, Lorena PizarroHe said that “it is a commemoration, why not say it, full of symbols and hope, because a year ago when we were here we did not know that in another month our people would wake up without turning back, our people would say enough, no more.”
“We have everything to win, we have everything to change Chile“, he asserted.
“Justice and reparation for the victims of yesterday and today”
From the Broad Front, the president of the Democratic Revolution came to the statue of Allende, Catalina Perez, who affirmed that it is a September 11 different from other years, with an opportunity for great changes and, at the same time, new victims of human rights violations such as those that occurred after the social outbreak.
“A September 11 with many complexities because We not only demand truth, justice and reparation for the victims of yesterday, but also for the victims of today, of October 18 and of the systematic violation of human rights in our country“, he declared.
Pérez indicated that this “reminds us every day that memory is also future, and from the hand of those who lack us, from the hand of those who fell, today we already have the opportunity to face this political process seeking to reconfigure a social pact that it really represents us all. “
Up to Morandé 80 also came the victims of eye trauma in the framework of the social outbreak, who asked for justice for the emblematic cases of Gustavo Gatica and Fabiola Campillai and many others.