The national humorist Stefan kramer launched, this Friday night, an imitation of the Meganoticias journalist Rodrigo Sepulveda. In it, he reviewed part of the national news and joked, mixing politics with the soccer match between Chile and Bolivia. “We all play, Izkia plays on the left, Paris plays on the right,” he said.
The video, which lasts just over two minutes, was posted on the artist’s official Instagram account. In two hours, the record reached more than 150 thousand views and about 40 thousand ‘likes’.
With an undeniable resemblance and a very similar tone of voice, Kramer began the speech by mentioning that “I want to say something, why not? Why can’t I say something? I want to say something and you know what I mean? All of Chile in quarantine, ok, we are in quarantine, perfect, we are in quarantine and do you know what it means that we are in quarantine? that we are in quarantine ”.
Later he argued that “the one who has misbehaved is the virus, because virus, excuse me for telling you, you are an asshole, you are an asshole. Excuse the expression, with all due respect to all the assholes (sic) ”.
Regarding the football match this Friday, he joked that “we have to beat Bolivia with this team (…) we all play, Izkia (Siches) plays on the left, (Enrique) Paris plays on the right”. This, in relation to the political views of the doctor and president of the Medical College, and the Minister of Health.
“The pastor is not going to play, because he pretends”, he added, referring to the video that shows a man simulating a hit-and-run after an investigation by an underground cult in Los Angeles.
The video closed with the character pulling out a Chilean flag to harangue the Chilean team and a dance on TikTok. “We beat them with this one, because this is everyone’s”, he concluded, showing the national emblem.
The journalist, meanwhile, reacted on Twitter thanking the humorist. “An honor. My respect and thanks, ”he wrote.
Look the following video: