It was a goodbye Friday on TVN. In particular in “Good morning to all“, as Nacho gutierrez He decided to leave the morning of TVN to seek new challenges, as confirmed by Tiempo Extra.
But the departure of the animator was not the only change within the program of the public signal. TVN reported that the official animators for the morning would be María Luisa Godoy, who returns in March from her post natal, Carola Escobar and Gonzalo Ramírez. In addition, these last two left their functions in the Press department.
Therefore, the journalist decided to say goodbye to his colleagues through his Instagram account. Gonzalo Ramírez published a photo with the following message: “After almost 12 years I am leaving my beloved press department. It was my provincial dream to get there. I was fortunate to do it on the extraordinary 24 Hours channel. I coincided with powerful milestones and coverage, the magic of the San José mine, different natural disasters, so many things that They gave me the best master’s degree I could dream of ”.
The journalist also added that “Today I move to a higher floor. With the dream of working hard for the great team of the program that gave me the first opportunity. The ‘Good morning everyone’ ”.
“I hope we will be able to allow, with love and effort, each morning to open a new door, a new house and offer a good company by putting everything I learned in the information and a broken heart that nobody takes out of me,” said Gonzalo Ramírez, and then finished thanking the Press department.