“It must be consistent”: Sutil questions Jadue for going to Baquedano in ban on mass dating | Economy


The president of the Confederation of Production and Commerce (CPC), Juan Sutil, questioned the actions of the mayor of Recoleta, Daniel Jadue, who on Sunday went to Plaza Baquedano despite the prohibition of mass meetings due to the health crisis.

“I pass the bill to the responsible people. For example, Mayor Jadue who went to the demonstration, ”the Chilean business leader began.

Along these lines, Sutil argued that Jadue, in his capacity as public authority, “Knows that it is prohibited by law (mass meetings) and he has promoted that there be no meetings (…) ”.

“One has to be consistent”, he sentenced in an interview with Radio Universo.

The president of the CPC agreed with the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, in which the large capacity that the calls had to commemorate the social outbreak could harm any progress with respect to the control of the pandemic.

“I hold them (political leaders) responsible. They have torn clothes saying that people cannot move, that they have to stay at home (…), so it is curious that after a tremendous effort, where a sector demands a stoppage of activities, those same people (…) are silent or just look to the side when the logical thing was to call not to meet “He commented on the aforementioned station.
