“It is enough to be in the wrong place for you to be tortured for days”


A month ago they spread videos of Navy cadets engaging in abusive and violent practices in full training in the Naval Academy.

Until today there is no sanction to those involved nor to the officers in charge. Ruben sandoval, a retired officer of the same generation that carried out these attacks, gave his account of what happened.

“The idea is to torture and leave that anger that you had contained, take it out on someone defenseless, and they can perfectly do whatever they want”, counted.

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Along the same lines, Rubén affirms that the victim “They don’t feed him, they don’t give him water, they strip him naked, put headphones on him with the loudest music you have as heavy metal for hours so that this person goes crazy.”

“It is enough to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, to get caught and tortured for days”, he pointed.

The records that were released belong to the week of August 4, 2018 and were recorded during the anniversary of the Naval Academy, where each year this retired officer assures that episodes and traditions like these are repeated.

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“Throughout the week the officers turn a blind eye, saying that from such a time they will not be in that part. They can tie you hand and foot, hit you with belts or with your hands, and they are also part of this tradition, they are part of the things that the officers endorse ”, he said.

The Chilean Navy was not available for an interview and they only gave their version of events through a statement from the captain Leonardo Chavez, Director of Communications of the institution.

“The events are framed in a context of camaraderie typical of the anniversary of the School, similar to the university locks, being forbidden the blows and direct contacts between the participants ”, he affirmed.

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For his part, the expert lawyer in Human Rights Sergio Fuenzalida stated that “what is seen in the images is complex because it accounts for a culture of abuse that is complex and that is not consistent with the commitment that the Armed Forces should have with unrestricted respect for Human Rights and above all with the fight against torture and degrading and inhuman treatment ”.
