“It grieves me”: JC Rodríguez and his reflection on the situation faced by Nano Calderón’s partner | TV and Show


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09 September, 2020 | Posted at 12:03 PM

09 September, 2020 | Posted at 12:03 PM

“It grunts me”: JC Rodríguez and his reflection on the situation faced by Nano Calderón’s partner

“It grunts me”: JC Rodríguez and his reflection on the situation faced by Nano Calderón’s partner

This Wednesday the morning of Chilevisión commented on the latest news in the Calderón Argandoña case, after Nano’s father withdrew the complaint for frustrated patricide.

In addition, Rebeca, Nano’s girlfriend, also dropped the lawsuit for repeated sexual abuse.

Juan Pablo Queraltó, who was on the mobile talking about the issue, finished his office and gave the pass to Julio César Rodríguez, who acknowledged that his head was elsewhere.

“I was thinking – if you can say what you think – about how people are used, how people are used, because finally the two parties accuse that this person (Rebeca) was attacked …”, he began by expressing the morning driver.

And he added: “The part of Hernán Calderón Argandoña, accuses that Hernán Calderón Salinas sexually abused her. And the part of Hernán Calderón Salinas and his lawyer accuse that he attacked her in this resort and that there was domestic violence and that there was mistreatment against her, on the part of her son (Nano) ”.

JC Rodríguez criticizes the Calderón case

Capture | CHV

“Finally she, if one believes both parties, why not do it, she has been the victim of aggression from all sides of this family, but in the end it is only a bargaining chip to negotiate precautionary or procedural measures, I don’t know what they will be called, and that makes me very disconsolate … I’m fine… ”, the Radio Bío Bío announcer also commented affected.

The journalist was quite critical: “I am in the middle of the line because I say, how people and the media are used, finally Maybe we are also simple puppets and stupid, idiots, spending so much time giving so much coverage to this, if it is finally going to be a situation that did not give … “, he closed.
