“Invisible Heroes”: the Chilean-Finnish series successfully debuted and will continue in marathon mode


After a successful debut on Wednesday night, Chilevisión’s Chilean-Finnish series “Héroes Invisibles” will be broadcast in marathon mode for the remainder of the week.

The production that tells the real story of the Finnish diplomat Tapani Brotherus, who arrived in Santiago to establish his country’s embassy a year before the 1973 coup and who, after this last event, began to receive and host persecuted people in the diplomatic house politicians by the regime led by Augusto Pinochet.

During the transmission of the first two episodes, Chilevisión scored 10.9 rating points, remaining in second place in tune. In addition, the hashtag # HéroesInvisiblesCHV had more than 32 thousand mentions, ranking first on the trending topics on Wednesday night.

After this good start, CHV announced that the remaining four episodes of the mini-series will be broadcast between Thursday (3 and 4) and Friday (5 and 6), starting at 10:30 p.m. This determination implies a displacement of this week of the Pasapalabra en Acción (Thursday) and Podemos Hablar (Friday) programs.

In addition, the first two chapters in their original language and subtitled into Spanish are already available on the Chilevisión website (the TV broadcast included dubbing in those parts in which Finnish is spoken). Later, the other chapters will be uploaded.
