Interregional trips between zones over phase 3 are already operational: know the conditions | Economy


Permission to carry out the authorization is already enabled -on the Virtual Police Station page- interregional travel between communes that are in the phase 3, 4 or 5 of the Step by Step plan.

This authorization, according to the Government, will allow to reactivate a sector very hit by the pandemic, such as the tourism, since now it will be allowed to spend the night in places other than the usual residences, including private homes, hotels or similar.

Even free mobility is allowed within the destination region, as long as the zones are also in advanced degrees of unconfined.

The undersecretary of Tourism, José Luis Uriarte, valued the progress of the Step by Step plan; and called continue to respect health measures “because the pandemic is not over.”

The director of the National Tourism Service (Sernatur), Andrea Wolleter, called for self-care, and pledged the support of the body so that health protocols are respected.

From the private sector, the president of the Federation of Tourism Companies (Fedetur), Ricardo Margullis, thanked the greater flexibility that will allow to reactivate this industry.

The Government recalled that the interregional transfer can be carried out even if it considers passing through areas that are in quarantine or transition, but always taking into account that you cannot stay in those places.

In addition, they highlighted that Trips cannot be during curfew hours.

The Executive recalled that the permit must be requested within 24 hours prior to travel, on the site and, like the rest of the authorizations, it will be available 15 minutes after requesting it.

He health passport, meanwhile, must be ordered on the website
