Even outside the offices of the Metropolitan attended from Serrano street dozens of people arrived at dawn in Santiago.
These are inhabitants of the Camp Dignity from La Florida, who arrived at the scene to demonstrate and deliver a letter.
According to María José Díaz, spokeswoman for the protesters, this camp is made up of 750 families, of which 400 are from Peñalolén.
Therefore, they demand the participation of the mayor of that commune, Carolina Leitao, on the technical table where a solution is worked out for the inhabitants of the outlet.
“We can’t have one more winter in the camp (…) We need a little empathy from her and let it be present“, he pointed.
Díaz added that said instance already participates the communal head of La Florida, Rodolfo Carter.
Finally, Díaz indicated that after delivering the letter they will leave the place.