Inflation in September far exceeds expectations and tomatoes soar more than 20% in the month


With this, in the year prices accumulate a growth of 2.1%, while for twelve months the advance is 3.1%.

Inflation in September surprised the market by registering a 0.6% advance, According to this Thursday’s report from the National Institute of Statistics (INE). This level was not seen since January of this year.

With that, in the year prices accumulate a growth of 2.1%, while at twelve months the advance is 3.1%.

Of the twelve components that make up the Consumer Price Index (CPI) basket, ten pushed up, while only two did in the opposite direction.

Among the increases, the Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages divisions stand out, with an increase in prices of 1.8% and equipment and home maintenance 1%.

Within foods, the class that had the highest preponderance was vegetables, legumes and tubers with an increase of 5.1% and meat followed with 2%.

In the household equipment and maintenance division, the thing that pushed the most upward was furniture and household items, with a rise of 2.4%.

Among the divisions that registered a decrease, the report highlights the 0.5% decrease in alcoholic beverages and tobacco. There, the 2.1% drop in prices for distilled beverages and 0.6% for beers were the most influential.

Featured Products of the Month

Tomatoes (21.8%), beef (2.7%), pork (6.9) and soft drinks (2.6%) were the products that showed the greatest impact on inflation in the ninth month.

The tomatoes accumulate an increase of 40.5% in the year, while in twelve months their prices have risen 34.4%.

For meats, in the case of beef, the price increase in the nine months is 11.3%, while if compared to the same month last year it is 20.4%. While in the pig it accumulates 9.8% and 16% in twelve months.

In contrast, coffee and substitutes together with deodorants and antiperspirants were the ones that registered the main losses, according to the report with a fall in their prices of 9.1% and 6.2%.

Warning against the difficulties imposed by the health crisis

Given the contingency generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the entity recalled that it has adopted “as of March and until conditions allow, a series of measures to continue the collection of data on price indicators.”

In line with the above, it mentions that the actions to give continuity to the indicator are continually evaluated to the extent that greater progress and information are made regarding the lifting of national and international mobility restrictions, which will be informed in due course.

In this context the IPC imputation rate was 28.2%, which meant an increase of 1.7% compared to what happened in the August measurement.

“Despite presenting an increase compared to months prior to the health contingency, it is in the average range of the OECD countries and in turn allows a robust calculation of the index. Given the above, the reported local imputation rate is made up of both data that could not be observed due to restrictions to go out onto the field, as well as prices of consumer areas that had to be suspended in the country, ”says the entity.

It should be remembered that the highest rate was registered in April with 42.6%.
