Infected visited Molina for Mother’s Day and was discovered when he returned to Santiago


The Maule Health Department activated the Covid-19 protocol at the Curicó Bus Terminal, by a passenger carrying the disease who traveled to the city for Mother’s Day and who intended to return to Santiago.

The 40-year-old man, who remained since Saturday in the Molina district, was transferred in an ambulance to the High Resolution Service (SAR) of Aguas Negras, where he was controlled and referred to a sanitary residence in which his mandatory quarantine will end on Wednesday the 13th.

Seremi Marlenne Durán explained that “today, at our health customs in the Curicó terminal, a person who was trying to travel to the Metropolitan Region was detained. You are a positive Covid person, that belongs to the Metropolitan Region, who traveled to our region on Saturday and today intended to return to his region occupying public transport. “

“Our team of inspectors made the corresponding sanitary summary and we we will present the complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office, we believe this is a very serious action, he is a totally irresponsible person“remarked the health authority.

Durán pointed out that “this person knew he was a Covid carrier and didn’t care, he intended to return to Santiago using public transport, where I could have spread to several peopleso luckily it was intercepted and all the protocols that we have were carried out and we were able to stop and prevent this bus from boarding. “

“Carabineros warned us of the presence of a patient who, according to their evaluation and ratification of their history, appeared with confirmed Covid-19, which means that couldn’t be on the street, and an ambulance was requested to transfer us to an authorized center, “said the communal director of Health of Curicó, Nelson Gutierrez.

The communal health authority added that “it would be a person from Santiago who would be in transit and we made the report to the Seremi de Salud for follow-up, after the Carabineros isolated it in the terminal. “

Now it remains to determine in which medium this person moved from Santiago to Curicó and then to Molina and his possible participation in a party with friends.
