On the national network, President Sebastián Piñera announced a strengthening and extension of our Social Protection Network, which will benefit “the vast majority of Chileans” who are being affected by the country’s pandemic and by the extensive quarantines that currently govern in Chile and that they have in confinement about 14 million people. But also in the shadow of the third withdrawal of pension funds, which begins to be seen this week in Congress.
“We are fully aware that the last 12 months have been very hard and have meant many pain, deprivation and anguish for Chilean families. Our first priority is to protect the life and health of all our compatriots and the quality of life of all our families. “, He said. In that sense, he explained that this strengthening is based on five pillars: “greater protection of family income, strengthening of support for the Middle Class, greater protection of employment, strengthening of support for SMEs, and improvement of the Health Plan. “.
In the first point, it was announced the extension of the Emergency Family Income until June of this year. It is about $ 100,000 per month per member of the family group, for those who live in communes that have been in quarantine for 14 days or more. For those who have been in quarantine for a day or more, it will be $ 60 thousand per month per family member. In addition, a monthly Covid Bonus will be delivered, until June, of $ 40 thousand per member, for those who live in communes that are in Step 2; and $ 25 thousand, for those who live in communes in Step 3.
Regarding support for the Middle Class, it was announced that tomorrow a bill will be entered that creates a new Bond and Loan for the Middle Class. This is an aid of up to $ 500,000 and will be received by those with an income between the minimum wage and $ 1.5 million. For those who earn between the minimum wage and $ 408,000, they will receive it without the condition of reducing income. For the rest, they must prove a reduction of 20% of their income. In the case of those who earn between $ 1.5 and $ 2 million, the total amount of the bonus will be decreasing. In addition to this Bonus, a complementary one will be delivered the following month that will range from $ 100,000 to $ 250,000, depending on the composition of the family.
On the loan, it will cover up to 100% of the drop in income, with a maximum of $ 650 thousand at a time and may be requested up to 3 times. This loan will be with zero interest, one year of grace and 4 years of payment. The maximum annual payment may not exceed 5% of annual income. If there is a debt balance at the end of the 4 years, it will be automatically forgiven.
For the protection of employment, President Piñera announced improvements to the Unemployment Insurance, a new Employment Subsidy and the extension until August of the Protege Subsidy. Regarding the new subsidy, it is about $ 50 thousand per month, for up to 6 months, for workers who obtain formal work. It will be increased to $ 70 thousand a month for women, youth or workers with
some disability.
For SMEs, a increase of US $ 200 million and simplification of access to entrepreneurship subsidies. In addition, the municipalities will be able to extend the payment of commercial patents, alcohol, contributions and waive up to 90% fines and interest. Finally, Banco Estado will extend for up to 3 months and without interest the payment of credit installments of SMEs.
To close, and remembering the work they have done throughout the pandemic, for the improvement of the Health Plan, the delivery of additional resources for the strengthening of the Health Network to face Covid19 was reported for up to US $ 300 million, to strengthen Primary Health Network; strengthen the Testing, Traceability and Isolation Program; and increase the purchase of vaccines against the Coronavirus.
“The total cost of this strengthening and extension of the Social Protection Network reaches close to US $ 6,000 million, which represents 2% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and requires an enormous effort on the part of the State. The Covid Fund The original, established in the agreement of June 14, 2019, was US $ 12 billion. This Covid Fund will increase by US $ 6 billion, with which this Covid Strengthened Fund will reach US $ 18 billion, “said Piñera.
“We are very aware of the magnitude of the crisis and the effects it has had on the quality of life of Chilean families. This strengthening and extension of the Social Protection Network will mean much-needed help and relief, and it will come. to the vast majority of our compatriots, “he added.
“But it is not enough to face these times of adversity. We have to look up and prepare for the times in which this adversity has been overcome. Just as the vaccine is essential to protect the health and life of people, regain mobility and jobs, and reactivating our economy are essential to ensure a better quality of life in a more permanent way, for all Chilean families, “he closed.