During this Sunday, the Carabineros de Chile released its balance of the last 24 hours in the context of the pandemic and the current State of Emergency.

As noted, 2,510 people were deprived of liberty, 866 during curfew hours —132 in the Metropolitan region and 734 in regions— and 1,644 outside said hours —587 in the Metropolitan region and 1,057 in regions.

During the night, 3,920 vehicle controls were carried out at Sanitary Customs, with 4,442 people controlled. Of these, 39 were taken and six of them were arrested.

In addition, from the uniformed institution They detailed the delivery of 1,724 safe-conducts in person and 10,696 through the Virtual Police Station.

Regarding the temporary permits issued during the last 24 hours, 1,468,351 permits were totaled through the Virtual Police Station, the most requested topics being Purchases, with 1,302,590 permits; Health Center, with 57,595 permits; and delivery of supplies to the elderly, with 42,377 permits.