Imminent rejection of constitutional accusation against Judge Donoso


He Senate rejected the constitutional accusation against the judge of the Court of Appeals of Valparaíso Silvana Donoso, the magistrate who presided over the commission that granted the freedom to Hugo Bustamante, accused as the perpetrator of the adolescent’s crime Amber Cornejo.

In an extensive session, 22 senators spoke out against Of action: Ebensperger Light (UDI), Claudio alvarado (UDI), Juan Antonio Coloma (UDI), Juan Ignacio Latorre (RD), Carolina Goic (DC), Yasna Provoste (DC), Ximena Rincon (DC), Francisco Huenchumilla (DC), Rabindrantah Quinteros (P.S), Alexander navarro (PRO), Pedro Araya (ind-PPD), Jorge Pizarro (DC), Adriana muñoz (PPD), Carlos Montes (P.S), Jose Miguel Insulza (P.S), Carmen Gloria Aravena (Indiana), Felipe Harboe (PPD), Jaime Quintana (PPD), Alejandro Guillier (Indiana), Carlos Bianchi (Indiana), Juan Pablo Letelier (PS) e Isabel Allende (P.S).

While only three support libel –Ivan Moreira and Jaqueline van rysselberghe, of the UDI, and Marcela Sabat, from RN- and one abstained.

With this number of votes and the three senators who were disqualified (Francisco Chahuán, Guido Girardi and Manuel Jose Ossandón), the approval of the libel is impossible.

Despite the fact that the decision is already closed, The discussion in the Senate will continue from 09:00 hours this Thursday with the participation of the eight remaining senators.

One of the defense attorneys, Jaime WinterHe commented that “we are in a process that is pending until tomorrow and therefore it is not appropriate for this defense or for Minister Donoso to speak at this time (…) we cannot speak until the vote is over.”

“The only thing we can say is that this has unfolded in a serious way, as corresponds to the instance in which we are, “he said.

The minister was accused because, in 2016, she presided over the commission on conditional liberties of the appeals court that that year granted the benefit to Hugo Bustamante, who was serving a prison sentence for a double homicide and today is charged with the crime of the minor Ámbar Cornejo in Villa Alemana.

Senators question indictment

During the afternoon debate, Senator Ebensperger Light (UDI) commented that “I do not believe that neither Minister Donoso nor Congress nor the Executive are responsible for Ámbar’s death, the culprit of that tragic death, which shocked us all, is Hugo Bustamante Pérez “.

The also union member Claudio alvarado held that “it is not coming to maintain that the cause of notable abandonment of duties was incurred for applying laws of defective invoice “.

For its part, Juan Pablo Letelier (PS) said that “I feel that this accusation is motivated rather by the tragic murder of Ámbar. The prosecution will not bring anyone back to lifeIt is a situation that seems rather reactive. “

His socialist peer Isabel AllendeAlong the same lines, he considered that the libel “was based on a certain emotionality and, of course, the empathy that condemning Ámbar’s atrocious crime can generate in all of us.”

The senator Francisco Huenchumilla (DC) assured that it is “one of the weakest accusations that I have had to see in the time that I have been a senator. “

The senator Alejandro Guillier (Ind) stressed that “it would be an injustice, even more so, I believe that it is not appropriate to dismiss a judge of the Republic, a judge in this case, for complying with a law for which many are responsible.”

While the also independent Carmen Gloria Aravena asked “forgiveness on behalf of society to Ámbar’s family and many other families who, having freed people who perhaps should not have been freed, today are suffering damage. But today I do not consider that the antecedents that have been exposed here give for a dismissal “.
