The report of the iCovid team indicated this Thursday that the latest data from the covid-19 pandemic in Chile, show that infections have decreased in the central area of the country, while in the north and southern areas the situation is worrying.
The iCovid team maintains at which national level an improvement in the dynamics of contagions has been exhibited, but with differences between regions, since in eight of the 16 regions of the country the trend persists that each positive covid-19 case infects at least one another person.
The regions where there has been a greater decrease in infections are Coquimbo, Valparaíso and La Metropolitana. But the situation of trends in rates per 100,000 inhabitants of Atacama (25.34), Aysén (55.82) and Magallanes (116.84) is worrying, while levels remain high in the regions of Arica and Parinacota ( 17.46) and Bío Bío (12.01). On the other hand, positive advances are observed in the regions of Maule and Ñuble
The engineer and vice-rector for Research and Development of the University of
Concepción, Andrea Rodríguez, states that the country’s situation has improved, but that the effect of the National Holidays remains to be expected.
“The national situation, although it continues to be of concern, shows better indicators than in recent weeks. We will have to wait for the evolution and the effects of the National Holidays, since their effects are not yet fully manifested in the figures. We hope that the population has acted responsibly and has become part of the control of the pandemic, ”he says.
Regarding traceability, it registers a sustained improvement, but the indicators are still in a risk range, far from the proposed goal of 80% coverage, and heterogeneous situations are observed in the different regions.
On this issue, the most worrying situations are in the regions of Tarapacá, Atacama, O’Higgins, La Araucanía and Magallanes.
“Initial traceability is fundamentally in the hands of citizens and employers. People with initial symptoms are required to be able to isolate themselves and deliver their contact information quickly, without waiting for the test result, which could significantly reduce transmission in Chile ”, he adds.
Finally, regarding hospital occupancy at the national level, it remains at an average of 79%, with high values (over 85%) in the regions of Antofagasta, O’Higgins and Bío Bío. On the other hand, there are notable increases in Atacama (from 64.8% to 70.8%) and Ñuble (from 76.9% to 83.3%), but also significant decreases in Aysén (from 71.4% to 45.8%), Los Ríos (from 75.2% to 60.9%) and Magallanes (from 79.1% to 71.0%)
The iCovid Chile team is an initiative created by the University of Chile, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and the University of Concepción, and this seventh report was made with information obtained until Saturday, September 19.