Hugo Gutiérrez attacks the Navy: the label of “illegal terrorist association” and “genocide” | Notes


Deputy Hugo Gutiérrez (PC) He referred in harsh terms to the Chilean Navy in a Facebook direct made at 8:00 p.m. this Monday, transmission that could be seen through his fanpage on Facebook.

While referring to the case of the young man from Alto Hospicio whose identity was supplanted by a policeman in the context of an infiltration operation, Deputy Gutiérrez took the opportunity to refer to another case of the Navy.

“They discovered a Navy agent, so imagine how happy I am. I always tell the truths about this group of genociders who call themselves the Chilean Navy, who don’t have anything Chilean “, Held.

He added that “it should be the Vitacura Army, because they have nothing Chilean. These are really totally unpatriotic, they have sold us miserably throughout history and have killed the people at the point of cannon shots.

“That navy (…) is an illicit terrorist association that at some point would have to be dissolved because truly, I believe that this Navy has killed more Chileans than in the wars they have had to face. So happy also that they have discovered an undercover agent also from the Navy there among the alleged youth activists who were fighting there in the front line, “he said.

To the Ethics committee and the TC

Deputy Andrés Celis (RN) referred to this, and criticized Gutiérrez’s conduct and declared that he considered “the utmost seriousness of the expressions issued by Deputy Hugo Gutiérrez against our Navy. Moreover, that he has expressed that the Navy constitutes an illicit terrorist association and at the same time that it treats them as genociders, it seriously affects and compromises the honor of our country ”.

“Who is being attacked by Gutiérrez is the entire Chilean armed forces, so his statements have sufficient merit for him to be dismissed and I hope that the Constitutional Court will apply the law, add this information to the case that it is currently hearing against the deputy and dismiss him “he argued.

It also stated: “In my particular case, I will send all the information to the Ethics Commission and the Constitutional Court, because we cannot allow authorities like Deputy Hugo Gutiérrez, who believe that they enjoy impunity and therefore, formulate absolutely harmful expressions that divide and incite hatred in our society, trying to undermine and revile our Armed Forces. That seriously affects public order and the democracy that he claims to defend ”.

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