Photo: Aton Chile
Cross statements follow. After Defense Minister Mario Desbordes described the statements in which the deputy Hugo Gutiérrez called the Navy an “illicit association” as an “evident crime”, the Communist Party deputy again demonstrated and did so with a strong complaint.
“The declaration of the Ministry of Defense and the subsequent realization of a video of the Department of Communications of the Navy, nor it can hide the threat of a deputy of the Republic, a democratically elected representative of the people, practically putting a price on his head, as evidenced by the death threats received recently, “Gutiérrez accused, through a public statement released in his social networks.
In this context, the lawyer by profession argued that “It is undoubtedly due to pressure from the high command of the Navy, to force a minister who had achieved a democratic image, to put a protective shield on a highly questioned institution in our country,” continued the lawyer by profession.
“What is the purpose of this political action? Obviously to inhibit the complaint that we make of demanding truth and justice in the crimes committed by members of this institution during the civic-military dictatorship,” he continued.
Read the full statement by Hugo Gutiérrez:
Public Statement regarding the statement of the Ministry of Defense and the subsequent production of a video from the Department of Communications of the Navy. pic.twitter.com/r7j74chdpC
– Hugo Gutiérrez (@Hugo_Gutierrez_) October 22, 2020
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