On Monday the President Sebastián Piñera asked the ministers of the political committee and some advisers that if they have ideas for the public account of the next June 1, that they send them to you. The President asked them, according to the government, to submit proposals with clear axes.
In that sense, this week the President began to receive the first inputs for the preparation of his speech before Congress, which this time will have a different look due to the safeguard measures to be taken for the pandemic: a reduced number of in-person and unattended attendees in the stands. In fact, the Chamber and the Senate ratified yesterday that the ceremony will be held at the Parliament headquarters in Valparaíso and that the possibility will open for parliamentarians to participate electronically, thus rejecting the request of the mayor of that commune, Jorge Sharp, who had asked to transfer the act to Santiago to avoid contagions. And while it is not yet settled – they hope to define it this week – the government wants the public account to be kept for prime time for the second consecutive year and for the speech to begin around 8:45 pm.
In this context, Piñera began preparing for his intervention and already has on his desk – they affirm in the Executive – a folder with three types of content: supplies delivered by his speechwriter, Jacinto Gorosabel; proposals from people outside the Palace; and a report with public policies and the processing of bills in Congress.
In this sense, in La Moneda they emphasize that Piñera has not yet defined the axes and that, therefore, there is no elaborate discourse either. Despite that, the same sources maintain that there are already some general approaches to where the President’s address should point.
Thus, government sources say that It has been transmitted to the Head of State that the speech should have an account of the projects for each ministry and, in addition, a balance of what was advanced during the most critical months of the social outbreak. And they add that An important part of the speech should respond to how the Covid-19 pandemic has been managed and the economic and social consequences. This, in line with some of the messages that Piñera has delivered in recent days.
In the Executive, in addition, there are those who have argued that the public account It is the opportunity for the President to continue with the logic of calling for major agreements and a post-pandemic social pact, an idea that has been installed in La Moneda and in the ruling party. This, in the framework of a “dialogue” discourse that – added by the same sources – is what citizens are demanding at the moment, according to opinion studies.
In fact, there are some in the Palace who believe that the idea of a great social pact is taking hold due to the difficult scenario that will come for the country due to the consequences of the coronavirus. In this sense, they emphasize that the support of the opposition is required and, therefore, the public account is a good showcase to make a call in that direction. This, along with self-criticism and recognition of what has been done wrong.
In any case, within the government there are also different visions that point to the inconvenience of calling social agreements in a public account if they were not previously agreed.
Regarding announcements of new economic and social measures – which, according to what the government has said, without specifying, more will come – in Palacio maintain that it remains to be seen what things will be announced.
Each of the ministries, in addition, contributed with its own internal balances of the initiatives that they promote so that it serves as an input for the construction of the discourse. That instruction was given on January 17th, through a document sent by the Treasury and Segpres.
In this writing, the portfolios were asked to explain strategic definitions, 2019 achievements and 2020-2021 programming. On May 7, in fact, the deadline to send the final version of the sector public accounts expired.