The Ministry of Health detailed this Wednesday how the announced permission that will be enabled in the Virtual Police Station to authorize, as of next Monday, September 28, transfers between regions.
During today’s balance, the Undersecretary of Public Health, Paula Daza, reiterated that it can be used by people in communes that “are in stage 3, 4 and possibly in the future will be in stage 5” of the “Step by step” plan, both the place of origin of the trip and the destination.
Susbec @pdazan
“As of Monday 28, the transfer between regions with an interregional permit will be allowed. It is for communes that are in stage 3, 4 and 5.”
“Permission from the Virtual Police Station and Health Passport available at https://t.co/hPCY2sDR4Q will be required”. pic.twitter.com/zW2alr2YAR
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) September 23, 2020
People must request permission within 24 hours prior to use, and will have to “declare both the date of departure and return, and It can be used during the day, to go and return on the same day, or to spend the night in the region“.
It will be considered as another of the individual temporary permits and It will also not serve to cross the sanitary cords, checkpoints can only be crossed with passes.
Daza also specified that the permit will have no time limit, but the eligible time to use it “is during the day and cannot be used during curfew.”
During the transfer, the traveler “cannot deviate from his destination, regardless of the state of the commune” in which he is at any given moment.
In addition, you must have your health passport, which can be obtained at the page www.c19.cl.
Subsec @SubPrevDelito @katymartorell
“The objective of the interregional permit is so that people can carry out procedures, so that families can meet again. This permit does not allow deviation to other places or communes, rather than to the destination”. pic.twitter.com/cmiK9XFPnz
– Ministry of Health (@ministeriosalud) September 23, 2020