“They are the government benches, they are the parliamentarians, the deputies and deputies who, of course, have very relevant information, not only at the general political level, but also represent the capillarity of the territory, from which I also come as a former mayor and I am interested have the necessary links to be able to determine diagnoses and work with them in an integrated way, in solidarity from the point of view of their needs ”. The unusual vocabulary, which is read as “the complete opposite” of empowerment, shows one of the flanks that most worry both in La Moneda and in Congress about the possibilities of political survival of the new Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Delgado (UDI ).
His risk situation is directly related to Delgado’s inexperience in the high ranks of party politics, as well as in the minefield that is the “weaving and driving” of La Moneda. Even so, the bet of the President, Sebastián Piñera, of having installed a totally unprecedented profile in a role that has usually been reserved for figures of a certain political tonnage, is to try to put the Government more in tune with the post-bishop country, in the It was shown that the harshest guidelines of the traditional right were not exactly the majority in the electorate of the sector.
Delgado belongs to “that strange world” of politicians who are not perceived as such, as happens mostly with mayors, he owns a dialoguing profile and on more than one occasion he collided head-on with the Government itself, after the social and political outbreak. throughout this year for the management of the pandemic. All of these are attributes of the Interior Minister recognized by all those around him and who have the faith that they will serve as a guarantee to extend his debut honeymoon a little.
But its strengths do not lessen the uncertainty that – recognized in the ruling party – has been installed regarding whether or not its trajectory will be sufficient to empower itself, as La Moneda urgently needs, the role of political leader of the cabinet, of binding authority for the coalition , at the same time, responsible for the public security of the country, all tasks that require a leadership condition above the average. The concern is that the comment that circulates in the corners of Chile come true, in that the profile of Minister Delgado helps him withstand the first downpour, but that “it is evident” that it is going to wear out and there it is where they expect you to have new tools.
Aware of these flanks, La Moneda designed a shielding strategy for the Minister of the Interior behind closed doors, which consists of avoiding unnecessary exposure at all costs, considering that there are many spaces “where he still does not have the possibility to deliver answers. satisfactory ”. The idea is that each public step that Delgado takes, always does it flanked and, therefore, in the last appointment with the Chilean benches Vamos yesterday in Valparaíso, he was accompanied at all times by the ministers of the Segpres, Cristián Monckeberg, and from the Treasury, Ignacio Briones.
The same in the thorny issue of La Araucanía. Unlike the solo debut that Víctor Pérez made in Region IX, Minister Delgado went to the area accompanied by President Piñera and at all times, even during the visit to the Biobío Region, he was a “secondary actor”, because the The reins of the activities, as well as the various announcements regarding a special manager for the area, or the bill to declare a holiday on June 24, were always in the hands of the President.
Another of the measures adopted is that the issues that exceed their range of responsibilities will be taken up by “those who correspond”, avoiding giving – at least initially – wrong signals that, in a climate of deep crisis of the ruling party and of such spirits tense, it could exacerbate tensions.
Thus, when it comes to negotiations or legislative agenda, it will be Minister Monckeberg who will shield him on that flank, taking charge – with all that that implies – of the relationship with Chile. We go into the layers of greater depth, considering his partisan experience and ties with the different actors in Parliament. On the other side, the spokesman minister, Jaime Bellolio, will be in charge of acting as a “human shield” and thus preventing exogenous conflicts “and not so much” from bursting at the door of the Interior Minister, a role that for now includes following being the one who faces the opposition.
The issue of security and public order constitutes one of the most delicate areas for La Moneda. The role that the Carabineros has played, especially since the outbreak and their handling of the social demonstration, cost Andrés Chadwick, Gonzalo Blumel and Víctor Pérez their position. For this reason, in this armor design for Delgado, the Undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, would continue to be in charge of coordinating and working on the ground with the police on a daily basis.
The last stage of this design was carried out by the UDI. Instead of surrounding the minister with advisers who respond to the union leadership, as happened with Pérez -who worked with former deputies Gonzalo Arenas and Giovanni Calderón, which was not evaluated as a good experience-, with Delgado the party took a step towards side stand. The idea, they explained, is for the minister to be “encapsulated” by the chief adviser on the second floor, Cristián Larroulet, with people he designates, which would imply another layer of political protection.
So much concern, deployment and shielding strategy is not due to the fact that Delgado is a sort of privileged person in the eyes of the President, but to the undisputed political fact that his administration has already had four Interior Ministers in less than three years, and he can hardly avoid the fall of another. For this reason, for La Moneda it is imperative that Delgado manage to survive politically and reach the end of the current term in office, until March 11, 2022 and leave the Palace with Piñera.
In the UDI they aspire that the Minister of the Interior is not constitutionally accused – like his three predecessors – and for this it is essential that Delgado be clear that one of his missions, they stressed, is to “capitalize and survive”, that he does not think or act thinking about your political future, because at 46 you have many years ahead of you, “a lot of career” to reinvent yourself after this.
Along these lines, in the unionism they said they were aware that Minister Delgado “is not going to show off, he is not going to lead, he is not going to guide President Piñera” and that, therefore, he has to take advantage of his attributes and make them available to La Moneda, to perform according to his possibilities and to “do what he knows how to do”.