How can I know if I will receive the Covid Christmas Bonus?


The undersecretary of Social Evaluation, Alejandra Candia, explained this Saturday in dialogue with Cooperative how will the Covid Christmas Bonus -announced by President Sebastián Piñera- and the requirement to benefit from this state aid.

“We are very aware that although it is not a definitive instrument, it is not a definitive help for the family. We know that there is still a lot of socioeconomic complexity in homes, in a complicated month like December, “said the authority in El Diario de Cooperativa.

That is why he explained that “this benefit allows all those families that received the sixth payment of the Emergency Family Income (IFE) to be extended, we are talking about 3.3 million households -more than 8 million Chileans- the possibility of receive 25 thousand pesos per member and if they are in a quarantined commune they are 55 thousand pesos per member “.

The only requirement, Candia assured, is having received the sixth payment from the IFE in October, so that You do not have to request it or apply. The payment of this money will be made automatically, with the same modality as the Emergency Family Income.

Payment dates

The undersecretary indicated that a rapid approval of this project is expected to organize everything and have the possibility of paying, according to the first projections, December 21.

“We are waiting, but we are sure that this will be approved in Congress in the context of the discussion of the Budget Law, which should end today,” Candia said.

Finally, he pointed out that after being approved “all triggers are activated, prepare payroll, establish agreements with the IPC, with BancoEstado, to be able to be paying and running to be able to pay before Christmas, on December 21 “.
