Agency One

The Housing Choice Solidarity Fund allows vulnerable families to access a state support to buy a house or apartment that does not exceed 950 Development Units (UF) without mortgage credit in urban or rural sectors, or to join one of the initiatives on the SERVIU housing project roster.

The deadline to complete the form is November 9-13, 2020. Those who started their application will receive a email to finish the process.

Who can apply for the Housing Choice Solidarity Fund

Chilean or foreign people over 18 years that meet the following requirements:

  • Apply with a family nucleus, which must be accredited in the Social Registry of Households.
  • Have the minimum savings of 10 Development Units (UF) credited on the date corresponding.
  • Be be account holders savings for housing.
  • Belonging to the 40% segment of the population with fewer resources, according to the socioeconomic qualification established in the Social Registry of Households.
  • Not own a home or be beneficiaries of another housing subsidy.

Exceptionally, they can apply without associated family nucleus Those who are in any of these conditions, must present:

  • Have a disability accredited by COMPIN.
  • Be adults over 60 years of age or older.
  • Have the quality of indigenous.
  • Being a widower or widower.
  • Be recognized as victims in the report of the National Commission on political imprisonment and torture or in the list prepared by the Advisory Commission for the classification of Disappeared Detainees, Political Executives and Victims of Political Prison and Torture.

How to apply for the Housing Choice Solidarity Fund

  • The application process can be done through the Internet, for which it is necessary to have the Unique Code granted by the Civil Registry and Identification Service.
  • A second alternative is to apply in person at the Serviu Attention Offices or at the public institutions that this body sets up for these purposes.

For the purposes of this call, only people who submitted their application until October and were preselected by MINVU, who will receive the link to finalize the process in their emails.

Those who applied in the official call until October and were selected by the Minvu, will be able to access the subsidy. The ministry itself will send an email with a link to complete additional requirements such as family nucleus and savings data.

Housing choice solidarity fund Agency One / Reference


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