House Commission approves in particular the second withdrawal of AFP funds and goes to the Chamber | National


Chamber Constitution Commission | Flickr


During this Thursday, the Constitutional Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and Deputies approved in particular the project that seeks to enable a second withdrawal from the AFP pension funds.

In the instance, the commission approved several indications, however, an indication that sought to enable a possible third withdrawal was declared inadmissible.


In the first instance, the members of the commission approved a voluntary reimbursement system. By 12 votes in favor, 0 against and 1 abstention. The mechanism will be an additional voluntary contribution of 5% per month, which may be suspended or discontinued by the member.

Also, on this occasion it was decided that an income tax will apply for the withdrawal. In this case, the approval of the indication was not unanimous, and it was accepted only by 7 votes in favor and 6 against. Members who maintain a monthly salary of less than $ 2,500,000 may be exempted from this tax.

For those who receive a remuneration equal to or greater than said amount, the condition of withdrawing over 35 UF (around $ 1,010,000) must also be met to apply the tax.

Likewise, another indication was approved so that the public authorities make transparent through their declaration of interests and assets the information regarding this second eventual withdrawal of funds, as well as that of the first, in the event that they withdraw or have withdrawn.

Terminally ill

It should also be remembered that this Wednesday the commission approved and dispatched another project to Sala so that terminally ill patients can withdraw their pension funds.

Said withdrawal may be total or partial and will not constitute income. For these purposes, a terminal illness will be understood to be that condition in which a person has an incurable, irreversible and progressive disease, without the possibility of responding to curative treatments and with a limited life prognosis.

The motion determines that the terminal nature of the disease must be diagnosed by a surgeon, who must issue a specific medical report for this purpose.
